High School Football Photography

Sports photography for Prep Football can be one of the most challenging photographical events one can cover, especially when it comes to action photography.
Here are some of the most common reasons why it can be a challenge for a pro:
Physical demand - kneel, stand-up, run down the field, get ran over by a player, carry up to 75lbs of gear
Weather - 100+ degree heat, rain, snow
Light - Field has terrible lighting, sun is way to harsh
Here are some challenges a parent/armature/hobbyist/fan could face:
All of the above as a pro
Camera - can’t figure out why the auto feature does not work, run out of space, blurry pics, too far away, no rain gear, no extra equipment
Game Time - way too into the game, start cheering or complaining, shouting at the “unfair call”, action way too fast
Time to Print - have to look through hundreds of images, put them all on Facebook even the blurry ones
I am sure we are missing more but for the most part this covers all the angles of what we find as

challenges while taking photographs of our kids playing sports. The adrenaline of watching someone you care about or even your favorite team can be an overwhelming experience the first time.
I remember one of my first big stage photo shoots was covering an NFL Football game between the San Francisco 49er and Oakland Raiders. Being a fan of the 49ers, I found myself getting a little too much into the game and missing shots I would normally capture. Experiencing that day, gave me the experience moving forward that no matter how you may be attached to the game, you must concentrate on what you are there for to capture.
Most would relate to some or most of the experiences I just mentioned, so why would you go through them when you are trying to enjoy watching your child’s game? Why not just hire a pro? We have the equipment and experience needed to get the right shot.
Take a look at our services provided:
Game Coverage Only – This will cover only game action moments.
Full Game Coverage – Cover pregame locker room prep (if allowed by team), warm-up, game action, half time, post game.
Playoff/Finals Coverage – Same as full game coverage.
Capture those Memories today, space is limited.
Pure Action and Feature Photography!